Japanese Drama Quotes - Boku no Ita Jikan (2014)
Title: 僕のいた時間 / Boku no Ita Jikan
Broadcast period: 2014-Jan-08 start
Main Cast: Miura Haruma, Tabe Mikako, Saito Takumi, Kazama Shunsuke, Yamamoto Mizuki
Boku no Ita Jikan Drama Quotes
Illness doesn't only give you hardship. There were many times I felt happy.- Hongo Shoko
Gossiping is the worst.- Murayama Hina
You have to think about how the person will feel before you say something. You are the one who will suffer from not getting along with people.- Sawada Takuto
People say it's best to marry someone whom you love for the second time.- Murayama Hina
Japanese Drama Quotes
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