Korean Drama Quotes

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Korean Drama Quotes - Familiar Wife / The Wife I Know (2018)

Korean Drama Quotes The Wife I Know

Title: 아는 와이프 / Familiar Wife
Chinese Title: 認識的妻子
Also known as: Knowing Wife / Wife that I Know / The Wife I Know
Broadcast premiere: 2018-August-01
Cast: Ji Sung, Han Ji Min, Kang Han Na

Familiar Wife Drama Quotes

* “Among all the strange things in the world, the strangest is love.” - Cha Joo Hyuk

* “You run into many enemies in your life. The strongest and the most atrocious one is wife.” - Cha Joo Hyuk

* “You're too much of a perfectionist. You need to have some flaws to seem more humane.” - Cha Bong Hee

* “If you want to survive in the jungle, don't attract the attention of your predators.” - Cha Bong Hee

* “Did you lose sleep because of your kid again? You'll eventually miss the days when they kept you up with their crying, though. As soon as they start talking, it's another level of torture.” - Yoon Jong Ho

* “Let's forget what happened yesterday. Another sun rises today.” - Cha Bong Hee

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